
    L G holds off its plans to sell iPhones in South Korea

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    What happened to L G and their plans to unleash their products in South Korea’s Android and smartphone market?

    L G chose to withdraw from the Android smartphone market. This led to prompting OEMs to empty the shelves of their flagship brick-and-mortar stores in South Korea. The company originally intended to use it for potentially profitable purposes by allowing Apple to store the iPhone there. However, due to strong opposition from the country’s business community, these plans are now shelved.

    Life is not good for LG’s iPhone-selling plans

    L G has officially discontinued the production and sale of Android phones and intends to try to sell the iPhone. This potentially counterintuitive situation is due to the inventory gap of the best OEM stores. These are similar products from the OEM Apple Store in South Korea. However, according to reports, the plan has now been shelved at L G. This happened after L G faced a strong opposition from other companies in the same country. Samsung reportedly opposed the “iPhone in best stores” plan. However, this is mainly because until now, its Galaxy series devices have never seen sales there. However, objections that led L G’s decision to discontinue its new sources of mobile-device revenue came from different sources.

    They comprise parts of “small and medium” retailers in the same space. If giants like L G suddenly enter the Korean retail iPhone market, they may indeed lose. Furthermore, the country’s government sentiment may also be against the OEM Best Stores plan for similar reasons, as can the public. Therefore, OEMs are currently reportedly under discouragement from promoting this idea.

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