
    Apex Legends: Titanfall 2 maps found in the Game code

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    Although there has only been a small amount of crossover between the two series, it is well known that Apex Legends and Titanfall take place in the same universe. However, it appears that Respawn may be taking things a step further. Following the most recent release of Apex Legends, dataminer KralRindo claims to have discovered references to nine iconic Titanfall 2 maps in the game’s code.

    • Exoplanet
    • Homestead
    • Angel City
    • Black Water Canal
    • Boneyard
    • Crash Site
    • Rise
    • Eden
    • Colony

    Its also claimed that these maps will be utilised for something called Capture Point, which may either be a temporary mode or, given the quantity of maps, a completely new way to play similar to Arenas Mode. Given that many of these maps were created with wall-running in mind, which is outside the scope of the core Apex toolkit, it will be interesting to watch how they are modified for Apex Legends.

    Of course, you should proceed with caution for the time being because there is no assurance that any information discovered by Apex dataminers will appear in the finished product. However, since fans have long complained about how Titanfall has been treated, there could be a method for Respawn and Respawn Vancouver to appease them without significantly detracting from Apex Legends. Of course, there’s a fair risk that this decision won’t be as well welcomed as hoped, given the tense connections between Titanfall fans and Respawn.

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    Apex Legends can be played on PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PS4, PS5, and Switch.

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