
    Star Wars Jedi: Survivor – What we know so for and What to expect from the Story-line

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    During Star Wars Celebration, Respawn Entertainment introduced Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, giving us our first glimpse at the much-anticipated successor to Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. Jedi: Survivor will pick up five years after the 2019 adventure, which followed Jedi Padawan Cal Kestis as he completed his training and avoided the Imperial Inquisition.

    In everything but name, this is Fallen Order 2, the second chapter in Kestis’ quest to survive the dark ages – thankfully, we already have a release date, story details, and more to tell.

    There’s a chance we’ll see more from Jedi: Survivor in the coming weeks, with a new Sony State of Play and an Xbox Games, Showcase on the E3 2022 calendar. However, because EA has confirmed that its new Star Wars game will be released next year, E3 2022 may be too soon for more details or a full gameplay preview.

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    In 2023, Star Wars Jedi: Survivor will be released. Although it is following a similar path to its predecessor, neither Respawn nor LucasFilm Games have confirmed a more definite release date for Jedi: Survivor. EA presented Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order at Star Wars Celebration in 2018, and it was published in November 2019. Given that the Apex Legends creator has already been working on Jedi: Survivor for three years, a release date in Fall 2023 sounds feasible.

    Star Wars Jedi: Survivor will be released in 2023 for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X, according to Respawn. Next-gen technologies like real-time ray tracing, according to game director Stig Asmussen, allow Respawn to operate “at a fidelity that’s much above anything we’ve ever produced before.” Respawn will be able to cut load screens and times by dropping support for PS4 and Xbox One, as well as invest in DualSense haptic feedback compatibility on PS5.

    The Star Wars Jedi: Survivor plot will continue up five years after the events of Jedi: Fallen Order, which saw Cal Kestis forego the chance to restore the Jedi Order to protect Force-sensitive youngsters from the Empire. Respawn promises a darker tone in Jedi: Survivors, like Cal, must do “everything it takes to stay alive” as one of the galaxy’s last remaining Jedi.

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    Respawn has yet to share gameplay footage from Star Wars Jedi: Survivor to the public, but the studio has spoken about its approach to combat and advancement. Respawn is leveraging new technology” of the PS5 and Xbox Series X to “create more dynamic Jedi combat, according to game director Stig Asmussen.

    Including that, the dynamic combat of the series will be expanded in new and imaginative ways in Jedi: Survivor. Cal must learn new skills and strengthen his connection with the Force to survive.

    Also read: Sony is planning to make a profit of $300 Million from its PC Games within a Year

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