RJ Balaji has appeared got a cult crime thriller film titled, ‘Run Baby Run‘. The film has been helmed by the director of the film Jiyen Krishnakumar. In the female lead we will see Aishwarya Rajesh alongside RJ Balaji, the makers have recently dropped the trailer. The actor Karthi has exposed the movie via his special networking page. By sharing the trailer” Very eager to see @RJ_balaji in a new shade. Wishing all success to the #RunbabyEun team.”
The story of this thriller film is going to be a very promising crime thriller and holds a lot of twists and turns with RJ Balaji and Aishwarya Rajesh in the middle of the things. The story of the movie revolves around the killing of a girl and RJ Balaji getting entangled in this murder mystery and now the main factor is how he is going to solve the case to free himself from getting framed for the murder that happens in this tale. We will see RJ Balaji finds himself stuck in a big problem and finds out his own way out of the trouble.
However, the trailer starts with RJ Balaji driving the car while his car has come to the halt the visuals then shifted to what actually appears as a woman stumbling to her death after falling from the top of a building. After a while, we will see the transition to RJ Balaji on the road once more along with a young woman ad their vehicle. Getting collided with a truck on a highway.
The film has been produced by Prince Pictures, the movie also features Isha Talwar, Smruti Venkat, ‘Jai Bhim’ fame Tamizh, Vivel Prasanna, Radikaa Sarathkumar, Bucks, and Harish Peradi. The music of the film has been composed by Sam CS with cinematography and editing has been handled by S Tuva and G Madan.
Run Baby Run- Release DateÂ
The crime thriller film has set to hit on 3rd February 2023.
Here is the trailer:
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