
    Get An Incredible Valorant Agent Tier List of All the Agents in 2024

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    Valorant Agent Tier List – All You Need to Know in 2024

    Valorant is a popular online multiplayer first-person shooter game developed by Riot Games. The game features a wide range of characters known as Agents, each with unique abilities and playstyles. These Agents are divided into different tiers based on their overall effectiveness and utility in the game.

    As you’re most likely playing with friends and can actually string some stats together, you won’t spot hard-carry agents like Reyna near the top of our list, who might otherwise be strong for solo-queue players.

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    Valorant contains a lot of tactical shooters each player plays as a character called an “Agent”.  There are several characters like Astra, Breach, Brimstone, Chamber, Cypher, Jett, Kay/O, Killjoy, Neon, Omen, Phoenix, Raze, Reyna, Sage, Skye, Sova, Viper, and Yoru. In this, you will get a traditional utility from realistic shooters such as flashbangs and smoke grenades but also include magical/futuristic-themed abilities like conjuring walls and sonic arrows that act like radar. 

    Valorant Agent Tier list- 


    The S-tier Agents are considered the most powerful and versatile in the game. They include characters like Jett, Reyna, and Viper. Jett is known for her mobility and the ability to control angles quickly, while Reyna can heal herself and gain abilities by defeating enemies. Viper is a versatile controller who can manipulate the battlefield with her poison-based abilities.

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    Valorant Agent Tier List


    Jett is an agent for the players who desire to take big risks but are confident they can hit their shots. She’s fast, nimble, and can escape practically any situation. The best Jett players are sharp with blade-throwing ultimate, can navigate the arena quickly, and can use the Operator or Judge. 

    Jett can zoom straight onto a site, carving up the defense and allowing the rest of the attackers to clean up. Her dashing ability encourages playing in unconventional and unsafe spots, as you can get a shot off and retreat immediately. 

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    Gekko is a popular green-haired agent placed at the top spot on our list for his Wingman and MoshPit. Intel-gathering, planting, or defusing the Spike, blinding enemies as Gekko can do all of this, and more. He’s a jack of all trades and master of all things Spike. In a single season, Gekko holds seven flashes in a single session and a sidekick that’d go the extra mile to plant that Spike. The initiator is perfectly self-sufficient, but his viability increases tenfold in a team setting. 


    Killjoy is definitely one of the skilled Valorant agents in her low learning curve and high viability. You will get a no-nonsense toolkit that can punish aggressive pushes, and lazy default plants, and deal damage. The sentinel’s main benefit is that her gadgets can collect information without risking her own neck, and her powers are synonymous with Valorant’s post-plant meta that’s so good, many players have grown to hate it. 


    Viper holds unrivaled mastery of the post-plant meta allows her to secure large areas and defend against aggressive enemy pushes. For those seeking to climb the ranks quickly in the controller category, the poison handler is the ideal choice. In 2023, Viper is the only controller that deals incredible damage while slowing down movement. This agent holds most of her abilities to do chip damage rather than killing enemies, so she needs good support so that others can come in and capitalize on the opponent’s weakened state.  



    A-tier Agents are also strong picks in the game, although they may require a bit more coordination and strategy to use effectively. This tier includes characters like Sage, Omen, and Brimstone. Sage is a powerful support Agent who can heal and revive her teammates, while Omen is a stealthy controller who can teleport around the map. Brimstone is a powerful initiator who can use his smokes to control the battlefield.


    Phoenix holds a relevance waned in Valorant episode 5 as players found better replacements. In this, he has regained his top-dog position in the Valorant protocol for being a jack of all trades. In A-tier, Phoenix is the best agent for the ranked grind to get you out of ELO stagnancy quickly. He doesn’t need heavy team support, so he’s perfect for days when you keep matching up with no-mic griefers. 


    Kay/O becomes the more relevant war machine. In the current meta, playing a high-stake game is a pain if you don’t have Kay/O in your corner. 

    The war machine has featured a suppressor crucial to deal with the likes of Gekko, Chamber, and agents with aggravating utility within their toolkit. Kay/O can shut down the formidable heavy-lifters with just a small holographic dagger.  


    Sage has tweaked more than once since the game’s release, so her place on the tier list has shifted with the meta. However, she has pretty strong at the moment, and it’s not hard to see why.  

    She gets the signature orbs and also has other uses – she can place a wall to seal off a route with the Wall Orb, and she can also slow down enemy agents who are caught by her Slow Orb. 


    Raze getting a lot of flak for being too simple and only being helpful in picking up cheap frags with her Paint Shells cluster grenades and rocket ultimate. However, she’s one of the strongest agents for clearing utility in Valorant. Her Paint Shells and Blast Packs can be lobbed into default Tripwire and Nanoswarm spots, perfect for buying a quick path onto the site. On defense, these same abilities are handy for slowing down pushes. 


    Skye is definitely one of the higher up the list than she used to be, thanks to some targeted buffs that mean she doesn’t have to rely so much on teammates exploiting the openings she can create. Guiding Light can blind enemies with its flash effect, and Trailblazer or her ultimate Seekers can help you flush enemies out of cover and deal damage. 


    Not the fanciest controller in Valorant, Brimstone is a packing leader who brings a unique Stim Beacon to Valorant, instrumental in breaking open sites, especially after the buffs. Attackers can swing into the bomb point at the back of the Stim Beacon, providing a solid speed and fire rate buff. 

    Brimstone is the superior controller for smokes that last for an eternity, owning Valorant’s longest-lasting smokes that stay up for almost 20 seconds. This is definitely the better half of the round if you use all three clouds of smoke in the same spot.  


    Fade is definitely one of the skilled Turkish bounty hunters and is a certified hit in Valorant, She is just that darn good. Fade is easily the best intel-gatherer in Valorant’s current meta. Fade’s Nightfall is a great tool to take control of a defender-infested area. Marked by terror trails, deafened and blind enemies are completely vulnerable under Fade’s spell.  



    B-tier Agents are still viable picks in the game, but may be less effective in certain situations. This tier includes characters like Cypher, Killjoy, and Astra. Cypher is a powerful sentinel who can gather information on the enemy team, while Killjoy is a controller who can set up traps and turrets. Astra is a versatile controller who can create stars to control the battlefield, but requires good coordination with teammates to use effectively.


    In B-tier Neon has the potential to be an exceptional duelist in the right hands, her toolkit is a double-edged sword that demands finesse and skill to wield. For Neon, the High Gear provides sonic-fast speed, but you must also have crisp aim to tackle an enemy right after hitting pause. Neon does come with some risk, however – she’s not exceptionally hard-hitting and will need support to ensure she doesn’t get stuck in a position she can’t zoom her way back out of. 


    The Omen holds moves and the ability to move around the battlefield without being spotted makes him incredibly difficult to read.  On forcing the enemies the second guess anything you do. The main problem with Omen these days is that he can be anticipated and managed, especially as a lot of standard starts with this character are well-known at this point. He’s still great fun for new players, but as you come across more veteran players in ranked play, you’ll find it harder and harder to surprise them. 


    Cypher’s recon utility is a little too easy to predict and destroy if you’re not switching up placement every round. Still, he is a potent agent in the right hands. 

    The sentinel’s ultimate is very ‘feast or famine’, relying on Cypher being near a downed enemy. That said, it can be a round-saving ability if it confirms the site is clear for you to plant on, or if it reveals the last couple of enemies hiding in corners ahead of you. 


    The potential of  Reyna has the toolset, but she’s another ‘feast or famine’ agent, which means she’s only as good as the player controlling her. She can be S-tier in the hands of the right player, especially when solo-queuing, but for the purposes of this list, she struggles to remain in B as she’s a poor team player. 

    This is extremely powerful when paired against a lesser team, but Reyna’s powers simply aren’t as good when matched up against equal opposition, as she can’t score kills as easily. 


    The Chamber has an excellent for eco rounds and has some maneuverability credit to his Rendezvous ability, but the majority of his lethality comes from how good a shot the person controlling him is. Chamber with ultimate ability summons an Operator unless you’re particularly good with this sniper rifle, Chamber will be as much use as a sharp suit in a firefight. 


     The Breach is a Valorant that can be a powerhouse in the right hands. In the wrong hands, however, he’s as much a hindrance to his own team as he is to the enemy team and he’s almost always in the wrong hands. 

    In this the initiator is a very complex agent to pilot, meaning he’s very difficult to get to grips with, and you need to understand his abilities and how they work to a very high degree if you want to give him a go.  


    Sova is a pure reconnaissance agent, although his ultimate is handy for netting some free kills, and you must spend hours in the range to be decent at piloting Sova. With the right lineups though, you can get a read on how many enemies are stacked up on a certain site. 

    Another initiator, Sova’s Shock Bolts are useful for clearing out traps and chipping enemies with damage. His Owl Drone can then be used as a follow-up to the Recon Bolt to gain intel on any areas the bolt couldn’t see.  



    Finally, C-tier Agents are considered the least effective in the game. This tier includes characters like Phoenix, Raze, and Yoru. Phoenix is a duelist with strong self-healing capabilities, while Raze is a powerful initiator with explosive-based abilities. Yoru is a sneaky duelist who can teleport and use fake footsteps to confuse the enemy team.


    Astra literally changed the game when she was introduced, and it’s no wonder because she has powerful cosmic abilities, meaning she plays quite differently from the other agents on the roster. 

    Astra holds the controller holds by definition, crowd control with her Gravity Well ability or concuss enemies with Nova Pulse. She also has smokescreens to block line of sight in an emergency, but underpinning her themed ability set is the need to go into the astral form and place ‘stars’ used to fuel the other abilities. This can break the map along a set axis with a giant wall that can block bullets and dampen sound, giving your team the breathing room to either regroup or plan an ambush. She’s definitely not easy to steer. 


    Harbor holds the additions to Valorant, and Harbor turned out to be a bust. Some players still swear by his toolkit, as his Cascade and High Tide have nothing valuable to offer. The water has screened slow down enemies. In comparison along with other ultimate in Valorant,  


    Yoru is still going to languish at the bottom of the list. However, you can see the potential of his teleport ability in someone like Chamber, who has a more manageable version of the same concept, and other agents are just far better at disruption and intel gathering. 

    This is the ultimate coming for the interesting thing about him, but it’s hard to justify picking Yoru just for that these days when there are so many other potent agents above him on this list. 

    The tier list of the Valorant tier makes the current meta into consideration, so while some of the lower tier agents are very powerful on paper, you’ll find their abilities hard to use in ranked because of how most teams generally play. To determine each agent’s ranking, we considered factors such as their overall viability, success/pick rate, learning curve, and whether their skills align with the current meta and popular playstyles. 

    It’s also worth noting that no Valorant agent is bad. You may see some players breezing through the ranks with a C-tier agent and some at the bottom of the scoreboard with a God-tier character. At the end of the day, it comes down to personal play style, practice, and tactics. While some agents may be classified as S-tier, they may not be suitable for everyone. 

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