The Spider-Man actor Tom Holland has confirmed the role of Jamie Foxx as Electro in Spider-Man: No Way Home. It is assumed that Holland had an apparent slip of the tongue that name-checked Foxx. It is the first time discussing the several Spider-Man characters from the previous movies who may appear in the upcoming sequel.
In that context, Holland has said that everyone has put their trousers on in the same way in the morning. He has discussed Alfred and Jamie and also those guys. The comeback of Alfred and adapting and changing of the course that the movies are made, but also changing of the director, and discussing the fact that he is now Spider-Man. It was delicious to see those actors adapt and change what they had been doing to fit the modern era.
The entire Film Magazine is putting pressure on Holland about the confirmation of Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire in the upcoming Spider-Man film that he has denied steadily. In this new Interview, Holland clarified people don’t believe me about their coming back; at some point, people have to believe him.
We all know that Holland has a known habit of spoiling the endings or the crucial plot points of his movies during the interviews or public appearances, apparently missing the other leak in his quote. In the trailer of the film, we have not seen Foxx.
Spider-Man: No Way Home will be released on 17th December 2021. It is reported that Holland also will co-star in the latest February 2022 adaptation of Sony’s famous Uncharted video game series.
A big thanks for the source.