
    Kojima Productions working on two new games

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    Hideo Kojima revealed in an interview with Famitsu that his Kojima Productions team is working on two different games. For months, rumors concerning Kojima’s future project(s) have circulated, thanks in large part to unsubstantiated rumors that circulate now and again.

    For example, one rumor states that the famed designer has signed an exclusive deal with Microsoft for an Xbox game. Another theory is that Sony is working as a middleman in an attempt to get Kojima and Konami together for a Silent Hill rebirth. Who can forget, of course, the never-ending drama of the Blue Box Game Studios conspiracy theory? None of the foregoing has been confirmed or denied by the individual himself.

    When asked about his future intentions, Kojima simply teases what he’d like to accomplish, frequently mentioning his passion for horror and innovative gameplay systems. However, a recent interview may include some insights as to what Metal Gear Solid creator Hideo Kojima and his team at Kojima Productions have up their sleeve.

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    Hideo Kojima previewed Kojima Productions’ upcoming ventures in an interview with the Japanese journal Famitsu (via Wccftech). The developer mentions “huge titles and new tough titles” in the translated version of the article, which some have interpreted as a hint that the company is working on two new games. Because the Famitsu article is about a group of creators and their “aspirations for 2022,” Kojima also mentioned that the coming year will be his studio’s first foray into entertainment media other than gaming.

    Given the recent opening of Kojima Productions’ film and TV division, Kojima’s statements about expanding his wings outside of games are not surprising. The “large titles and new hard titles” section, on the other hand, leaves a lot of room for interpretation. He may be working on two different games, but it’s also plausible that something was lost in translation.

    Regardless of the finer points, this teasing comes after Hideo Kojima shared a “Holiday Card” with artwork by his longtime collaborator Yoji Shinkawa. The artwork in question depicted three previously unseen characters, all of them wore clothing that paid homage to Kojima Productions-related imagery. Naturally, speculation abounds as to whether the three digits are linked to the studio’s next big project in any manner.

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