
    Crimes of the Future: Cast, Release Date, and Everything Latest to Know About David Cronenberg’s New Movie

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    Crimes of the Future Official Trailer

    One of the most noted horror film directors, David Cronenberg is set to be back with his first film in eight years, ever since Maps to the Stars in 2014. The upcoming film is titled Crimes of the Future and follows the line of body horror cinema that typically characterized him. 

    The movie will go on air as a segment of the official competition of the Cannes Film festival. The movie casts Lea Seydoux, Kristen Stewart, and Viggo Mortensen, which gives a prominent hint that the audience would expect a similar consequence to other works of David Cronenberg like The Fly, A History of Violence, and Dead Ringers. 

    Displaying a not-too-distant future as the actual setting, in the movie humans have metamorphosed to become a hybrid of flesh and technology that sounds very Cronenberg.

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    Crimes of the Future: Plot

    The official synopsis for Crimes of the Future suggests, Mortensen is a popular artist who “publicly displays the metamorphosis of his organs in cutting-edge performances,” Seydouz gets his partner to life and Stewart portrays a National Organ Registry Investigator who quite obsessively tracks the movements of Viggo’s character.

    When Will the Film Release?

    Crimes of the Future will have its debut at the Cannes Film festival and a month after, in June it will hit the USA theaters. The exact release date is still to come into the limelight.

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    Cronenberg Had the Script in Pile for 20 Years

    The director himself assured it in an interview last December. He assured, “It was almost like a script that somebody else wrote…So to hear Kristen start to speak the lines of this character, it was a shock!” He further added about his reaction which was like “Oh, my God, this is a living creature out of control, in the sense that it has its life-and it’s coming to life right in front of me.”

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