The Hundred which was launched last year by the England and Waled Cricket Board (ECB) has received a bid of Rs 3200 crore from a private equity firm. The Bridgepoint Group which is a London-based buyout firm has made this offer to England’s Cricket Board. The investment has the potential to change the entire sport in the UK but reports suggest that ECB will be declining the offer.
The Bridgepoint Group has asked for a 75 percent stake in this tournament. The firm also confirmed to give funds to ECB and 18 First-Class countries. The England Cricket Board has lately been struggling with funds. With this investment, Bridgepoint’s main motive will be to take control over the Hundred.
The Bridgepoint group has asked for a 75 percent stake in cricket’s newest competition in return from the ECB. The firm has offered to inject funds both into the ECB and the 18 First-Class counties. Reportedly, the England Cricket Board has been struggling for funds, especially since the post-COVID-19 era. ECB hasn’t made any confirmation but Richard Thompson has not ruled out completely.
“There’s a feeding frenzy at the moment – rights holders have never seen a rise like the one they have [recently] and the Hundred will undoubtedly get more and more interest as a unique format that finds an audience the others don’t. We’re open but treading carefully in that space. We’re not going early. It’s just two years old, we can’t get greedy, we have to see it play out. The worst thing would be to do something too early, then see the value go through the roof and you’ve lost out and someone else benefits. It’s important to let it grow and develop first.”- Thompson said
This looks like a Golden Goose for ECB, and ignoring it may make them regret their decision later. Reports suggest that most of the countries will be taking the investment and it even looks like a game changer. It can help with contributing in women’s cricket.
The Hundred which was launched in 2021, includes eight men’s team and eight women’s teams in Engaland and Wales. The tournament has contributed to ECB immensely as more than 500,000 people watched the games in stadium in 2022. A total of 271,000 women went to watch women’s games. Its broadcasting channel the Sky Sports attracted more than 14 million viewers.
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