
    World of Warcraft Adds Arathi-Inspired Ear Customizations in Patch 11.0.7

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    World of Warcraft will introduce new pointed Arathi-style ear customizations for Human and Kul Tiran characters in Patch 11.0.7, expected in early 2025. This surprise addition comes off the back of Patch 11.0.5, giving players an early glimpse into what to expect in Legacy and beyond with the Siren Isle zone and Stormcrow mount, a fan favorite which has been requested for over ten years by the player community!

    World of Warcraft
    World of Warcraft

    The New Patch of World of Warcraft

    The Arathi of Hallowfall inspired these pointed ear choices, and they will be available to all Human characters (including both genders for Normal or Thick-sized body types) without the need to unlock via quest. These new ear styles are available during character creation or at the Barber Shop after patch day. The Hallowfall Arathi of World Of Warcraft: The War Within are one Renown Faction and claim descent from the EK ancient Arathi Empire, they express primarily Soft Humanoid traits with some elements invoking appearance reminiscent of human/elf where ears give a slight hint of pointedness.

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    World of Warcraft

    Human and Kul Tiran, although some have shorter Blood Elf ear styles. While Blood Elves and Void Elves have similar customization options in alpha, that is not part of this patch. The fanbase appears happy with this new early inclusion of character customizations. While many are correct in their assumption that they were programmed to become available when players first encounter the new Arathi Empire, no one expected them so soon and with zero prerequisites.

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    World of Warcraft

    With these new options, players can create characters of mixed Elven and Human lineage, inspired by notable figures like Arator, Faerin, or Kalecgos’ human form. While Patch 11.0.7 lacks a confirmed release date, recent patch schedules suggest early 2025 as likely. With the next Warcraft Direct event on November 13 and Plunderstorm’s return approaching, more details are expected soon. Patch 11.0.7 entered the Public Test Realm on October 31, giving players a first look at what’s to come.


    1. When will Patch 11.0.7 be released?

      It’s expected in early 2025.

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    2. Who can use the new Arathi-style ear options?

      Human and Kul Tiran characters can choose these ear styles at character creation or the Barber Shop.

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