It is true that today’s modern technology is blessed for the Operating Systems or OS. It is one of the miracles that make out life easier, faster, and more entertaining. The computer is definitely a revolutionary invention asset to change really the course of human civilization. Many people are already aware of Aboded OS and also can be downloaded on Windows or any other platform. The performance of a PC mainly depends on its OS.
Here is the list of the top 10 Linux OS:
10. CentOS
This is one of the most popular distributions for web servers. It is mainly a community offshoot with the enterprise version of the discontinued Red Hat Linux. It depends on the version 8 come with the same set of such well-tested and stable Linux kernels.
9. OpenSUSE
It is formerly kno0wn as SUSE Linux. It is also one of the easy-to-use Linux distributions. It is definitely goods and middle road distributions.
8. Zorin OS
It is definitely a strong and powerful operating system designed to make your computer faster more secure and easier. It is one of the most good-looking and intuitive OS for desktops.
7. Arch Linux
It has not come with a lot of pre-installed software and also there are programmers that also can choose to configure and install packages per their requirement. It seems that Gentoo and Slackware Linux are more updated distributions that require a lot of learning before they can be.
6. Elementary OS
It is mainly an Ubuntu LTS that is mainly based on Linux distribution. It is also quite very famous for its aesthetically pleasing user interface.
5. Fedora
It is also a Linux-based OS like Ubuntu Server, CentOS server. It is very great along with great options especially for running the business enterprise. It also supported the Fedora project as sponsored by the US software.
4. Manjaro
This operating system is mainly a distribution based on Arch Linux it seems that the Arch is mainly designed for advanced and experienced. It seems that the distro provides all the benefits of cutting-edge software straight out of the box.
3. Debian
It is mainly a rock-solid Linux system, Debian Linux is also committed to free. Software and it will always remain 100%. It is also one of the stable and secure Linux-based operating systems. There are many Linux distributions like Ubuntu, PureOS, SteamOS.
2. Linux Mint
It is one of the most popular desktop Linux distributions both for free and open source. It is also based on Debian and Ubuntu. It seems that the default Cinnamon desktop resembles the layout of the Windows system.
1. Ubuntu
It is also Linux based OS just like Ubuntu Server, CentOS Server, Fedora is also a very great option mainly for running business enterprises. It has such open S features and common user interface elements of Windows and macOS.
A big thanks for the source.
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