
    The Finale of Stranger Things 4: Plot, Character Deaths, and Possible Fan Theories

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    Stranger Things 4 Volume 2 will be more bloody, action-packed, and more exciting. That’s what you can expect from the last two episodes of a supernatural show celebrating that season’s finale on Friday.

    Stranger Things is set in the fictional town of Hawkins. Hawkins is home to the US Department of Energy’s laboratory, which secretly conducts experiments on paranormal and supernatural phenomena in humans.

    A group of kids in a nerdy school discovers an upside-down presence. Also, a psychokinetic girl named Eleven escaped from the lab, joined her group, and found one of her missing friends trapped upside down.

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    The Plot as We Know It in Stranger Things 4

    In Stranger Things Season 4, teenagers are now trying to deal with a life without each other. They had to dissolve after a Season 3 event that ended with a fight against Mindflare at Star Court Mall. Eleven, who lost power when defeating Mindflare, moved to California with Byers.

    Mike visits Eleven on vacation and realized that she had been a victim of school bullying. Meanwhile, Max suffers from depression after her brother-in-law Billy died in the last season. She will also be the targeted by Vecna. She enters Mind Lair, a fictional place in Vecna’s heart, and is helped by her friends by playing her favorite songs.

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    What to be Expected?

    Vecna ​​is expected to unleash  Hawkins in order to teach Eleven lessons. In the trailer for the last two episodes of Stranger Things 4,  Eleven eagerly challenged Vecna. 

    Hopper and Joyce reunited with Murray and his fellow prisoner Enzo in Russia. In the future, the team will have to confront the remaining prison inmates and the captured Demogorgon. 

    Steve and Nancy will be willing to enter the Mind Lair and set a trap. Meanwhile, Max still recovers from Vecna’s curse and goes to  Creel House with Lucas and Priah to find the loose end.

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    Fan Theories

    Fans claim that Stephen, who appeared as a heroic figure in Dustin and others, died and revenge on the group. Even during the Dungeons & Dragons game, there is speculation that it was Eddie, not Steve, who was killed. In one shot of the trailer, Eddie plays Nancy’s favorite song on the guitar. So this may get Nancy out of the way upside down.

    Many also speculate that Eleven gained her extreme power from Vecna ​​when Henry was in the lab with Eleven’s mother. But the contradiction here is that Terry had a relationship with a man named Andrew Rich, who died in the Vietnam War. 

    Many fans wish for Will to come out of the closet. He hints that he has feelings for Mike, while he paints for him. His truth is just around the corner, hopefully, the Duffer brothers will do it this time.

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