STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl has passed one million copies sold after launching on December 28, 2022, according to news from developer GSC Game World, which noted that a much higher number of players also have access via Game Pass. Needless to say, this milestone is not surprising, considering all the hype and positive wishlists the game has received. But although the sales figure is impressive, it’s probably far from replacing the money spent to create such a costly-to-develop game. GSC announced it has over 430 people working on the project, which is huge.
STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl Hits 1 Million Sales, Developers Detail Upcoming Fixes
Still, the launch day has not been without controversy, with its earlier release drawing criticism over STALKER 2’s rough edges, which the studio has acknowledged. GSC is promising hotfixes soon and regular larger updates to address these issues. Players can also expect free in-game content and the eventual addition of features such as hardware ray tracing, mod tools for cross-platform mods, and multiplayer modes. The Ultimate Edition also comes with a Season Pass, which ensures at least two expansions yet to come.
Based on community feedback, the developers have been working on the biggest fixes to roll out in the first post-launch patch. Bug Fixes: Crashes, Quest Progression, Balance, Visual Issues, and Gameplay Adjustments This includes things like bugs that crash to do with memory allocation, especially while rendering and quest cutscenes. The dev team is also working to address blockers for the main quest progression as well, such as NPCs getting stuck or quest cutscenes failing to trigger.
Additionally, they plan to update weapon prices and NPCs’ behavior during Emissions to balance things further. They will even correct visual inconsistencies: missing facial animations, clipping, and errantly placed NPCs. There will be soft lock fixes (including being unable to close the trade screen after accidentally moving something to the wrong ammo slot) and user interface improvements about quest notifications and interaction prompts.
Subsequent updates will also address analog stick dead zones and A-Life system bugs for a more seamless experience. STALKER 2 so far has a lot to replicate, but it isn’t quite yet a one-for-one; The vibes are great, but the experience occasionally borders on infuriating. For those eager to dive into the Zone, it may be worth waiting a little longer as the developers and modders continue to improve the game.
How many units has STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl sold?
STALKER 2 has already sold over 1 million copies, with many more joining through Game Pass.
What major issues will the first post-launch update fix?
The first update will address crashes, quest progression bugs, gameplay balance, and visual inconsistencies.