Horror Films are really able to give such a thrilling experience to us. In the entertainment industry, the OTT platforms have set a benchmark to maintain consistency to give all kinds of movies to the audiences. In this situation, the OTT platforms have really left no crisis in the supply of such amazing movies to the cinephiles. It is true that the experience of watching other films is always different from horror films. There are a lot of incredible horror films which are enough to increase your heartbeat and also palpitations. There are a lot of horror stuff in a huge quantity.
Here is a list of the top 12 Horror Films:
12. The Jupiters (The Hills Have Eyes)
It is the story of the mutant cannibal family based on the lives of the unforgiving surroundings of that Mojave Desert in Wes Craven’s classic survival horror. The father Jupiter and his children Mars, Pluto and Mercury who love to kidnap, rob and also murders tourists, by ensuring a fun time for all.
11. The Bates
The people are known as the scary classic show of Alfred Hitchcock who may know that only the one member of the Bates family alive in Psycho who is Norman and runs the family motel. With this in mind, his sick mother is living in the attic and also has been ordered for him all day. It’s true that she is living dead and left Norman by dress like her and attend the guests with a big knife.
10. The Myers
It is Rob Zombie’s most contrasting change in his remake of John Carpenters’ Halloween was to provide Michael Myers with the backstory. He no longer lives as a normal middle-class kid as he has been grown up in a terrible household with the stripper mother and also with the abusive stepfather. All of them just led him for the life to kill on Halloween when wearing the mask.
9. The: Laemles
It is the debuting film of actor Bob Balaban that has been set in the 1950s and has been focused on the ten old boys named Michael who have been convinced that these parents are cannibals. Now mother and the father who has been played by Mary Beth Hurt and Randy Quad are originally the flesh-eating monsters as Michaels is imagining about them.
8. The Mantles
It is a psychological drama film of David Cronenberg’s that shows dealing with the family members can be very tricky. In the role of Elliot, Jeremy Irons is perfect for the role and Beverly Mantle, the twin gynecologists who have used their different personalities but identical appearances for seducing their patients.
7. Mother and Sons
This film is a 1980s satire exploitation that had been produced by schlockmeister Troma and has been banned in the UK for many years. It reveals some of the serious depraved activities from the mother and her also two of the adult sons who will just do anything for the mother. They have not been given names but their activities speak of themselves like rape, murder, and torture.
6. The Whites
It is very difficult for any teenage girl for growing up normally with a mother like Margaret White who is a tyrannical religious fanatic and believes on the devil is out for corrupting her only child. When you will possess such terrible telekinetic powers that become the recipe of the bloody prom mayhem and also for the knife levitating avenge.
5. The Parkers
This film is a fantastic remake of the Mexican film having the same title man focuses on the cannibal family that has left with the problem to find their upcoming meal while the father dies. They have set on trying to kidnap the people from the local town having the degrees of success to resolve their hunger.
4. The Robesons
It reveals about a married couple named Mr. and Mrs. Robeson with a daughter named Lice who are the landlords of the apartment in the poor Los Angeles neighborhood. They have deprived the brother and the sister of the long imprisons under their house for breaking their rules. Alice is the only kidnapped child allowed to live above the ground and set to cause the downfall.
3. The Merryes
The two characters Virginia and Elizabeth Merryes are the murderous orphaned children and are looked after for the creepy Gothic house in Jack Hill’s 1`967 cult favorite Spider Baby. There are some of the distant family members who have turned up for claiming the house, the kids of Merryes have broken out the knives, tarantulas, and also the dynamite.
2. The Fireflys
This is the depraved gang from the Rob Zombies grindhouse horror trilogy. They are not all technically connected, but they have operated as the family unit. It has been taken from the 1933 Marx Brothers film Duck Soup with each o of the member Captain Spaulding, Otis Driftwood, Baby, Tiny who have adapted the name from characters in Marx films.
1. The Sawyers
This film is the terrible Texan cannibal clan in Tobe Hooper’s 1974 scary masterpiece. There are also aspiring American families, they run a small business and also have a gas station, and also have steady jobs before it has been shut down.
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Read: If you really like horror films then you can see it.