
    Fortnite Players contributed $50 million in just three days to aid Ukraine

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    Fortnite players have contributed $50 million for humanitarian aid to be shipped to Ukraine, according to Epic Games. It’s just been three days since Epic Games announced their plan to give all Fortnite revenues between March 20th and April 3rd to recognized humanitarian assistance groups like Direct Relief, UNICEF, the United Nations World Food Programme (UNWFP), and the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR).

    As a reminder, Microsoft is also contributing by giving the net revenues from Fortnite purchases made through the Xbox Store over the same window; unfortunately, Sony, Nintendo, and Apple haven’t said anything similar.

    The staggering total serves as a reminder that, while Epic’s Battle Royale game may no longer be in its prime, it’s still a monster capable of generating large sums of money, especially when it’s for a worthy cause like this one.

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    Epic also released Fortnite’s Chapter 3 Season 2 on the same day as the campaign. The new Season, dubbed Resistance, saw a lot of changes. The game’s building function has been temporarily disabled, but several new ones have been added.


    The structure has been demolished! You now have an Overshield on top of your Shield and Health to help maintain cover. The Overshield is your initial line of defense: it’s your Overshield that will break first, before your Shield or Health. Even if your Overshield drops to zero, it will still recover.

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    Run at the new default movement speed, which is faster. A quicker default movement speed also translates into a faster sprint! This sprint is so rapid that you’ll have to put whatever you’re holding in your pocket. Because sprinting at a high speed can’t be sustained indefinitely, a newsprint meter will inform you how much longer you can go at that speed.

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    Gaining the upper hand in a conflict has always been crucial to victory. And, thankfully, where your feet fail, your hands can now assist you. Your hands can come into play and pull you up if a surface is just a little too high for your jump — or a platform is just a bit too distant for your landing!


    When it comes to sprinting, try slamming doors open with your shoulder. It’s probably not the most polite thing to do, but at the very least you look cool doing it. You can now open doors by sliding into them!

    The new Fortnite Season also introduces new Resistance weapons including the Combat SMG and the Striker Burst Rifle, as well as the Repair Torch, which will repair your damaged vehicles.

    Last but not least, there’s Doctor Strange, a beloved Marvel figure who can be unlocked with the Battle Pass.


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