The trailer of the SonyLIV show “Bhoothakaalam” has been revealed. The trailer has been shared by Shane Nigam and the veteran actor Revathy who have shared the screen of this show. This story of the film has been co-written by Rahul Sadasivan and Sreekumar Shreyas and it also stars Sajju Kurupp, James Eliya, Athira Patel, Abhiram Radhakrishna, Valla Menon, Manju Pathorose, and Riyaz Narmakala.
Bhoothakaalam: Plot
This film follows the death of a family member and the mysterious events that are based on distorting the sense of the reality of the mother and son.
In this film, we will see Revathi and Shane Nigam as a mother-son duo, the trailer of the film starts with a conversation between them as they are doing their dinner in the candle. The mother asks the son as he has been started smoking again as she found a lighter in her pocket but the son replies no. In this film, Shane Nigam has completed D-Pharm and now struggling for a job. He is like don’t want to join such jobs after completing D-Pharm.
He has a girlfriend named Priya and he asked her to go out somewhere but she says strictly says no. Shane Nigam is playing the role of a less talking and soft-hearted person. The mother says that her son is not like her but as her father. After that, the trailer reveals he is lying in the bed in the darkness, and just awake beyond 48 hours he will see some unseen and experience the unheard. Someone says to take him to the doctor. The trailer ends with that he is locked into the door and trying to open the door and her mom is sitting on the bench and licking ice cream in the seas side.
It seems that Shane Nigam also going his debut as a music director with this movie. The background score has been composed by Gopi Sundar. Shehnad Jalal also has been cranked the camera when Shadique Mohamed Ali had been managed the section of editing. Manu Jagadh also has been handling the design of the production.
This film has been produced jointly by Teresa Rani and Sunila Habeeb under the banners of Plan T Films and Shane Nigam Films.
Bhoothakaalam : Release Date
This SonyLIV film will release on 21st January 2022.
Here is the trailer:
A big thanks for the source.