
    “May the 4th Be With You”: Star Wars Day Celebration, Everything You Need to Know About This Universally Celebrated Day

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    May 4th is recognized as the Star Wars Day worldwide. The date is identified with the phrase meshing with the date of May 4th and the famous quote in the Star Wars movie “May the force be with you” – first stated by General Dodonna. If you happen to be a fellow Star Wars fan celebrate this 4th with some bantha milk, enjoy some cantina music and check out the facts below. And for those who haven’t yet dabbled in their fair share of Star Wars comics and movies, *beware*, spoilers follow.

    Since when was 4th May considered to be the Star Wars Day?

    As stated by the Star Wars fans, 4th May, i.e., Star Wars Day is considered to be an unofficial holiday. It originated from the remarkable dialogue in the very first Star Wars movie ‘Star Wars: A New Hope’, which aired in 1977.

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    General Dodonna, one of the rebel leaders first says the phrase “May the force be with you” when dismissing his troops.

    However, as the reports state, the first official implementation of the phrase “May the fourth is with you” was in 1979.

    The UK Conservative Party paid a commercial in a newspaper quoting “May the Fourth Be With You, Maggie. Congratulations” to honor their triumph.

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    Nonetheless, Star Wars fanatics appropriated the phrase more than a decade ago.

    Ways You Could Celebrate This Day

    • Streaming the Star Wars movies back to back and enjoy with your friends and family, is one of the best ways to celebrate Star Wars Day.
    • Having a Star Wars-themed party and sharing some asteroid cookies and delicious purple juice.
    • Jamming to your favorite Star Wars album.
    • Extending your knowledge about the galaxy with Star Wars books and comics.

    Some Remarkable Quotes From the Movie To Live By

    • Remember…the Force will be with you, always.” – Obi-Wan Kenobi
    • “The Force, it’s calling to you. Just let it in.” – Maz Kanata
    • “I’m one with the Force. The Force is with me.” – Chirrut Îmwe
    • “I find your lack of faith disturbing.” – Darth Vader
    • “Use the Force, Luke.” – Obi-Wan Kenobi
    • “That’s not how the Force works!” – Han Solo

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