According to a new announcement from Director Tetsuya Nomura, Kingdom Hearts 4 will have Disney world, but there will be fewer of them than expected. Tetsuya Nomura was asked in a new Game Informer interview how essential Disney characters and settings will be in the upcoming instalment of the series. There will be Disney worlds, according to the game’s director, but the fourth instalment will feel slightly different from the prior games. Kingdom Hearts 4’s improved specs and aesthetics appear to limit the number of words that may be produced for it.
As far as the graphic qualities … since with each new title, the specs have been increasing and there’s so much more we can do in terms of graphics, it kind of limits the number of worlds that we can create in a sense. At this time we’re considering how to approach that, but there will be Disney worlds in Kingdom Hearts 4.
Tetsuya Nomura was also asked about the lack of Final Fantasy characters in Kingdom Hearts 3 during the same interview. According to the series’ creator, the Final Fantasy characters were originally incorporated into the first edition of the series due to a lack of unique characters, but this was no longer an issue in subsequent entries. Nonetheless, the development team is aware that fans want to see more Final Fantasy characters in the upcoming instalment, and they’re working to strike a healthy balance.
With Kingdom Hearts III, since we did have so many original Kingdom Hearts characters, it was hard to find room for including more Final Fantasy characters. We’re trying to find a good balance for that. I know that some fans were concerned about that and weren’t too happy and wanted to see more Final Fantasy characters. That’s something we are thinking about. But just with the sheer number of original characters that we have now, it’s hard to say what the exact balance is going to be and how it will play out in Kingdom Hearts 4.
Kingdom Hearts 4 is currently in development for platforms that have yet to be confirmed. A release date has also yet to be determined.
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