
    Here’s every new thing introduced in the new Elden Ring Patch V1.03 update

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    FromSoftware has just released a title update for Elden Ring, and if you’ve been playing the game or even just watching speedruns, the patch notes will most certainly make you feel bad. Elden Ring patch 1.03 includes a slew of changes, including nerfs, buffs, questline adjustments, new NPC summons, and more.

    It’s difficult to know where to begin because there have been so many changes, but it appears that certain quests that were previously deemed to be broken have been fixed. Dallas, Nepali Loux, Kenneth Haight, and Gatekeeper Gostoc have all received new “quest phases.” Many players have been perplexed by the hunt for Nepali in particular.

    There have been some disturbing changes. The Mimic Tear Ash, the go-to ash summon for folks who don’t want to be honest with bosses, has had its damage reduced and its behavior sample changed. The Hoarfrost Stomp Ash of Battle, which was popular in Distortion2’s Elden Ring speedruns, has also had its damage reduced and solid time increased.

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    Buffs, on the other hand, dominate the changelist. Sorcerers will like the lower FP consumption on some spells, including Loretta’s Great bow and the Carian Greatsword, and the dependable Nice Glintstone Shard now has more range and is faster.

    Elden Ring patch notes v1.03

    Additional Elements Added

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    • Added a function to record an icon and the name of an NPC on the map when you encounter that NPC.
    • Added NPC Jar-Bairn.
    • Added new quest phases for the following NPCs: Diallos/ Nepheli Loux/ Kenneth Haight/ Gatekeeper Gostoc.
    • Added some summonable NPCs in multiple situations.
    • Increased the number of patterns of objects player can imitate when using Mimic’s Veil.
    • Added night background music for some open field areas.

    Bug fixes

    • Fixed a bug that prevented summoned NPCs from taking damage in some boss battles.
    • Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented the player from obtaining an item after the boss battle.
    • Fixed a bug that causes the dialogue to be skipped when talking to NPCs and using custom key configurations.
    • Fixed a bug that causes the player to freeze when riding.
    • Fixed a bug that causes arcane to scale incorrectly for some weapons.
    • In a situation where the player cannot obtain more than 2 talisman pouches, added talisman pouch to Twin Maiden Husks shop line up.
    • Fixed a bug that prevented the user from warping to sites of grace from the map at the end of the game.
    • Fixed a bug that prevented the player from moving to the next area after the battle with the Fire Giant.
    • Fixed a bug that causes some weapons to have incorrect scaling after strengthening.
    • Fixed a bug that causes some weapons to not use stat scaling.
    • Fixed hang-ups on certain occasions.
    • Fixed a bug that incorrectly displays multiplayer area boundary when playing online.
    • Fixed a bug that allows the player to activate Erdtree Greatshield’s weapon skill without absorbing an attack using a special combination of item and incantation.
    • Fixed a bug that causes Fire’s Deadly Sin incantation to have a different effect.
    • Fixed a bug with the Ash of War, Determination, and Royal Knight’s Resolve, where the damage buff will also apply to other weapons without that skill.
    • Adjusted the visual effect of the Unseen Form spell.
    • Deleted the Ragged armor set from the game which was mistakenly obtainable in the previous patch.
    • Fixed a bug that causes some hostile NPCs to drop Furlcalling Finger Remedy.
    • Fixed a bug that causes the incorrect sound effect to play in some situations.
    • Fixed a bug that causes visual animation and hitboxes to not be displayed correctly on some maps.
    • Fixed bugs that cause incorrect visuals and behavior for some enemies.
    • Fixed a bug that causes incorrect stat parameters for some armor.
    • Text fixes.
    • Other performance improvement and bug fixes.

    Balance changes

    • Increased the drop rate of Smithing Stone for some enemies.
    • Added Smithing Stone to some early game shop lineup.
    • Increased shield’s effectiveness.
    • Increased the damage for all offensive cracked pot items.
    • Increased the damage for the following items: Spark Aromatic/Poison Spray mist.
    • Increased the effect duration for the following items: Uplifting Aromatic/ Ironjar Aromatic.
    • Increased HP healing for Torrent when using the following items: Rowa Raisin/ Sweet Raisin/ Frozen Raisin
    • Reduced FP consumption and increased the damage of the following sorceries: Flintstone Cometshard/ Comet/ Night Comet
    • Increased the damage of the following sorceries: Gravity Well/ Collapsing Stars/ Crystal Barrage
    • Decreased FP consumption of the following sorceries: Star Shower/ Rock Blaster/ Gavel of Haima/ Founding Rain of Stars/ Stars of Ruin/Greatblade Phalanx/Magic Downpour/ Loretta’s Great bow/ Loretta’s Mastery/ Carian Greatsword/ Carian Piercer/ Shard Spiral
    • Raised projectile speed and range of Great Glintstone Shard
    • Decreased Ash of War, Hoarfrost Stomp’s damage, and increased cast time.
    • Increased Ash of War, Bloody Slash’s self-inflict damage while slightly lowering the damage and increasing the cast time.
    • Decreased weapon skill, Sword of Night, and Flame’s damage.
    • Increased FP consumption and lower duration of Ash of War, Barricade Shield.
    • Changed FP consumption timing of Ash of War, Prelate’s Charge.
    • Decreased the damage of spirit summoned when using the item Mimic Tear Ash and changed the spirit’s behavior pattern.
    • Other enemy and weapon balance changes


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